
29 December 2012

A year in a severe ME sufferer's life

To share this image on Facebook: click here
To repin this image on Pinterest: click here

25 December 2012

Fundraising opportunity - your mouse clicks are needed NOW!!!


Do you have Facebook?  Use it to RAISE FUNDS and LOTS OF AWARENESS for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) with ONE SIMPLE MOUSE CLICK!!!

Tupperware Australia/New Zealand are running a Facebook contest in which the charity that receives most 'Likes' on Facebook from the public will be honoured as Tupperware Australia's 'Charity of Choice' for the first six months of 2013.  The ME charity in the running is ME/CFS Australia, and they are competing with two other charities for this prize.  If ME/CFS Australia win, they would be mentioned by demonstrators/hostesses at Tupperware parties in all of Australia for the whole six months!  And so would our illness - therefore this is an opportunity to raise lots of awareness!  Also - Tupperware Australia would fundraise on ME/CFS Australia's behalf throughout these six months (if they win this contest).  This contest is an opportunity to raise THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for ME/CFS research and patient support.

All you need to do for this to happen is click 'Like' here:

This is a fantastic opportunity to raise funds and awareness in exchange for a mouse click - it's a WIN-WIN situation!

Deadline: 31 December 2012 (Australian time)

You can take part from anywhere in the world - please encourage others to take part too.  Remember, it doesn't matter where in the world awareness raising or research takes place - it will benefit us all so it's worth our while helping each other, doing small things like this that could lead to great rewards.

Below is an image/poster to help you promote the contest - please remember to include the link to voting if you use the poster. (To download it to your computer, click on the poster below, then right click on the image and choose 'Save Image As'.)

FEEL FREE TO REPOST, ADAPT the text above etc. - the more people take part, the better!

24 December 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thank you to everyone who has used the images from this blog and from our Facebook page and who retweeted and repinned the images to raise awareness about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).  We wish you best possible health next year.  

Let's keep on raising awareness about our illness - if we do it on a regular basis, people will start noticing and our suffering will become more known to the general public... and maybe one day, someone with funds will help to fund research to find answers.

Let's flood the internet with images with information about ME!

23 December 2012

Twelve Days of Christmas - severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) edition

To share this image on Facebook: click here.
To repin this image on Pinterest: click here.

17 December 2012

Dear Santa - Christmas wish of a Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) sufferer - Facebook cover

Get this Facebook cover onto your profile. To ensure the image is the right size, do the following:

1. Click on the picture above - it will enlarge and open in a new layout with black background.
2. Right click on the picture and click 'Save Image As' to save it to your computer.
3. Upload it from your computer to where you want to your Facebook profile.

To embed this image to your blog, use this code:

09 December 2012

Remind people there is an online charity contest going on!

Get this Facebook cover onto your profile as a quick reminder how easy fundraising for ME can be. To ensure the image is the right size, do the following:

1. Click on the picture above - it will enlarge and open in a new layout with black background.
2. Right click on the picture and click 'Save Image As' to save it to your computer.
3. Upload it from your computer to where you want to your Facebook profile.

And here is a video explaining online charity contests - an easy, quick and free way to fundraise for our research organisations and a way to support our researchers!

If you would like to embed this video into your blog or website, use this HTML code:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>